teapigs ethical scheme
We’re committed to giving back to communities that bring us our tea, we source from well-run, sustainable tea estates and we try to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. Our teas are all-natural. You can learn more about our ethical scheme and values here.
our tea supports many communities around the world
Most of the tea for our signature everyday brew comes from Gisenyi, Rwanda and we work with the Point Foundation to support orphans and vulnerable young people in the area.
We make a donation to the Point Foundation with every pack of everyday brew and decaf english breakfast we sell. We match donations our customers make on our website and run regular fundraising efforts go towards the Point Foundation. Thanks to all your contributions, we’ve raised over £750,000 together and we’re keen to do more!

This is what we’ve raised so far...

We donate from every pack of everyday brew & decaf sold.
want to make a donation?
As well as donating from every pack of everyday brew and decaf english breakfast we sell, we also match all donations our customers make on our website. You can read more about what each donation funds here.
Select a donation amount below:
vocational training
Mwogo Vocational School & Training Centre & Ubumwe Community Center (UCC)
Mwogo Vocational School was initially funded by sales from a pop up shop we ran in central London.
The buildings have been refurbished & transformed into a teaching centre bringing skills to one of Rwanda’s poorest areas and admits around 50 students per year. Key training is in tailoring, hair & beauty and culinary skills but this will change periodically to ensure a diverse range of skills are taught.

teapigs house
Mwogo is also the site of teapigs house 2.0, the first of 4 houses which will provide accommodation for teachers, visitors and students with disabilities who otherwise couldn’t be able to attend the centre - we’re just waiting for the roof to go on before we visit!
The UCC have been a longstanding partner, based in Gisenyi and with an inspirational founding story their focus is on helping people with disabilities to find their abilities.

inclusive education
UCC and House of Children Schools
Two of the main education projects that our donations go towards are The Ubumwe Community Centre (UCC) & the neighbouring House of Children.
UCC is a pioneering rehabilitation center providing support and services to people of all disabilities in Gisenyi and surrounding areas. This year we have been able to fund 2 braille machines as well as 4 sewing machines for the young adults which will give them the skills to earn an income to support themselves. House of Children is a privately run nursery & primary school for 700 children, leading the way for inclusive education in Rwanda by teaching children of all abilities.
Last year, the primary curriculum in Rwanda changed unexpectedly so we launched a book drive to fund 5,000 new books for the start of the new year. Our donations help to fund the salaries for 3 sign teachers & 1 early learning teacher, as well as sponsor over 40 children through school & buy equipment and school supplies.

sustainable farming
organic farm and apiary in Mwogo
Now 3 years old, the farm in Mwogo is credited as one of the most successful projects in the area. The community-based model is supported by Rwandan policy and one we hope to replicate in Gisenyi and elsewhere.
Farmers grow maize, carrots and beans as well as experimenting with other crops including pineapples. They also have 9 cows and 2 calves – the most recent addition was Lou, named after our very own Louise! Alongside this is an apiary (bee hives) – teapigs have donated to the building of 30 hives by a local carpenter, and trainee bee-keepers are supported and trained with our support.
Produce from the farm is used to feed members of the cooperative and vocational centre on-site, it’s also sold to the local schools and community (and the Point Foundation!) to create a circular economy.

community support
We are committed to supporting communities wherever it’s needed, here are just a few examples of where our donations have been used over recent years:
emergency and ongoing medical care for people with disabilities – often families can’t afford treatments which leads to compounding of illness or injury.
supporting 5 ex-Noel Orphanage residents to set up micro-businesses to support themselves including sugar-cane production & selling mobile airtime cards.
throughout the pandemic, the Point Foundation were made aware of a family of 5 abandoned children, our donations have gone towards food & shelter whilst they wait to be rehomed.
we continued with all of our planned donations during the pandemic which allowed the Point Foundation to provide food aid at a time when many were abandoned by governments and other charities.
our funds also helped to buy a new (secondhand) car to allow project managers to travel across Rwanda.