Ah January, December’s hangover... it can be a tough month that’s for sure. We're trying our best to remain in high spirits at teapigs HQ with 'Wellness January'... which so far has included keeping our fruit basket nicely stocked up, a new lunchtime yoga session (thanks teapig Yvonne for leading these!), an early pay day (huzzah!), and a delicious vegan lunch made by teapig Charlotte.

If you're finding you've been hit with the so called January blues, we've put together 5 super simple tips to help get you back up on your feet... aside from drinking even more tea than usual!

be realistic with your resolutions

Focus on making attainable goals! Whether that’s having a solid clear out, saying yes to more things, learning one new phrase every day in a new language or finding a new hobby you can commit a few days a week to. Don’t expect sudden transformations – firstly, no one needs that kind of pressure, and secondly you’re already awesome! It’s all about the long game…. think of where you could be by the end of the year - impressing your family by speaking fluent French round the table at Christmas, that’s where.

Oh and most importantly of all - don’t panic if you fail on your resolutions by mid Jan (that might have been us, might not. Who’s asking?) Long game for the win. 

give yourself something to look forward to

We're looking at days of rain and possibly snow, so you’re going to need something to look forward to.

Whether you get a date in the diary to meet up with friends or treat yourself to a little getaway we're all for having things to look forward to in Jan! 

be savvy

January is most definitely the month for being frugal - but being frugal doesn't have to mean boring!  

Rather than going to the pub, try having friends round each weekend for dinner and games. It’s the perfect excuse to finish off any leftover Christmas booze and make a big vat of something tasty/healthy. Make the most of  any free museums or open spaces your city has to offer at the weekend. Spend time meal planning for the week and using up leftovers to make tasty treats (no one will say no to you bringing in a delicious banana bread!) 

We've also found apps like Monzo be a huge help with budgeting - great for saving, and highlighting just how big of a Deliveroo problem you have...

everything in moderation

Dry January, Veganuary, 5k runs every morning… it all seems like a great idea on January 2nd (not the 1st… because, hangover) but just like resolutions, it can all get a bit much if you pile on the pressure. This year the meat eaters in the office are trying out 'meat free Monday', and some of us are giving Dry Jan a whirl... allow yourself some flexibility and you’re far more likely to keep it up all year long!

Likewise with coffee, it’s a bold move to fully cut out caffeine and tricky when the mornings are so dark and gloomy. Cut back on caffeine by having yourself a cheeky matcha (much like a cheeky Nandos but instead of chicken it’s a bright green, tasty, chock-full-of-goodness drink, with half the caffeine of coffee)…or introduce more herbal teas into your daily routine.    

get outside 

We know everyone says it… but getting outside and moving your body really does help!

Head outside at lunch for a walk, get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way home. Partake in some desk yoga (is that a thing!?) or, if your workplace offers a lunchtime workout session, why not give it a go!

No one is expecting you to be the fittest, leaf nibbling gym bunny out there so move in a way that feels good, not like punishment. Hate the treadmill, don’t go on it! Love yoga, do it! 

For us, 2020 is a year for self-love! We’d love to hear how you’re tackling January – tell us on social by tagging @teapigs or leave us a comment below!

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