Summer has finally arrived! Our tea dude James had invited everyone at teapigs hq over to his for a bbq – yippee! Of course no teapigs event would be compete without a theme, James had written down all of the countries which we export to, put them in a bowl, we all picked one out and had to dress as our chosen country! I love a theme, so was very excited about dressing up and baking something yummy! I picked Portugal, hmmmm, I had lots of suggestions from friends of footballers or explorers, but my favourite was Nando’s (thank you Louise!), so I decided to go as a chicken; dressed in homemade wings and rubber chicken feet! – nobody guessed which country I was!!
Everybody made a really good effort – can you guess which country everyone is? (Answers at the bottom!)
James picked the perfect day to host the bbq, the thermometer was soaring at the office and everyone was ready for some super fruit iced tea! So easy to make and perfect for a non-alcoholic drink at a BBQ, we spritzed it up with some mint (from James’ garden!), some cucumber and lot of strawberries! – it didn’t last long!! James put on a fab spread of food which he made his own rubs and marinades for – quite the chef! Sofia and Amy (and former teapig Ceri!) made some amazing salads - which I tried to recreate on Sunday, they were no way near as good as the real thing. It was now time for cake! I made some Oreo surprise cupcakes and teapig Amy made some gold maple syrup marshmallow rice crispy squares! – Needless to say these were gone in minutes!
Thank you James for a great night! When can we come again? :)
1. teapig James - Austia 2. teapig Valerie – USA 3. teapig Amy - Canada
1. teapig Becky - Sweden 2. teapig Jordan - Malaysia 3. teapig Tori - Portugal