Over the last 8 years the teapigs team has grown from a humble two to twenty and a key member of the team which you may know about is Harvey the dog…. It is with lots of sadness that we say our lovely pooch has gone to the great doggy playground in the sky *sniff sniff* He is already missed greatly but we feel happy to have had such a cool little dog as part of the team for so long. Here we remember all the great (and sometimes a bit annoying!) things about our special spaniel.
Hannah – Harvey had great timing, just as you picked up the phone to an important customer, he’d see his doggy mate across the road and start his crazy barking
Valerie – The office feels very empty now without Harvey! :( Not that he was taking lots of space, except when he used to lie down in the middle of the office , having a nap… and following anybody going to the kitchen at lunch time, expecting to grab some food. Yes I loved his pleading eyes/ face when he was waiting for his little treat… the core of my apple!
Becky – I liked that he loved apples just as much as me, how he’d always give me a nice greeting after I came back from my lunchtime walk and him annoying teapig Reggie by begging for his lunch everyday
Tori – I loved that he would keep me company on my lunch time walk along the river, sometimes tangling me in his lead so that I nearly tripped into the river! I loved that he would let us dress him up for Halloween, Christmas and the World Cup! I loved his soft floppy ears and his big eyes that would look at you and make you feel guilty for not taking him out for a walk, the way he used the claw at your legs when you didn’t turn around to pay him attention :( One of my favourite Harvey moments was when teapig James came back from Morrison’s with about four croissants for his breakfast, whilst he nipped into the kitchen to get a plate, we emptied the bag (safely on our desks) and planted the empty bag and crumbs by the bottom of James’s chair, Harvey was straight there and poor James thought his breakfast had been demolished!! – we couldn’t keep quiet for too long!
Louise – teapig Reggie feeding him taramasalata and making him beds from postal sacks when he was a puppy, so cute. How he was always jumping on teapig Nicole when she had white trousers. His ears were like velvet :(
Amy – He once ate teapig Sofia’s lunch! It was in between our desks and he made a beeline for it and it was gobbled in the blink of an eye! She took it well :) I loved his eyebrows! They were so cute. I loved how trusting he was - like when teapig Tori and I bundled him in my car to go to Syon Park garden centre and he just came with us happily when we could have been taking him anywhere! He was a lovely, demanding, affectionate, sweet old soul.
Nicole - So many happy memories. I loved the way he would gently nudge my leg with his nose to get my attention, or just jump up at my chair or on me, muddy paws on my jeans. He would nag me for toast-time in the morning. Follow me around the office. Get excited and bark when I walked into the office (annoying everyone else!). I loved the way he barked like a big manly dog when he went out for walks but in reality was a big softie! When he was a puppy and teapig Louise had gone out, I used to distract him by making balls of paper from the waste paper bins and throwing them for him…but I didn’t realise it encouraged a bad habit of him emptying bins for a while! He was a special cheeky chappy and we were so lucky to have him for the time that we did.
Juliana - I think my favourite memory was that he was most of the time after teapig Becky’s apples, but I loved that he liked to keep us company, and just being cute around us. And those eyebrows! He should’ve shared teapig Fiona’s world cup sweepstake winning as he supported Germany with her…!
So many wonderful memories :) Harvey also had his fair share of fame too….
And finally, for those of you wondering, Harvey had a very sudden problem with the discs in his back damaging his spinal cord (apparently quite common in Spaniels) and although he had surgery, he wasn’t able to recover. Bye Bye Harvey, you were a fab office dog. We will miss you lots. X