DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A PRETTY IMPORTANT FOOTBALL MATCH ON TONIGHT?! Yes, well we are pretty excited about it but we know footy may not be everyone’s bag so we have come up with some alternative things you can do tonight during those 90 minutes. See how many you can fit in before the world cup is over!
Crochet an English breakfast. Or Nutella. Or a cupcake. Or..
Teach yourself to speak the language of every world cup team
Feng Shui your house
Grow a ‘little shop of horrors’ plant and set it on anyone who mentions football in your house
It’s 16 years today since Mulan came out in the cinema, celebrate by reacting the film in your front room
Learn to Morris Dance (again, front room is ideal for this)
Bake a croquembouche, or if that’s too easy – try a couple of these Disney cakes
Re-read all your Point Horror books
Build your town out of Lego
Take up baton twirling
Start training your dog for next year’s Crufts
Cross stitch a list of sports that are better than football
Listen to the Very Best of Dire Straights
Go to musical bingo
One of the teapigs is especially keen to avoid the football tonight, and that’s our tea frog Valerie:
“Being the Frog in the teapigs team, I will give the England match a miss tonight, will make sure I have my ear plugs on and my headphones, avoid all the pubs in Buckinghamshire (there are 5 in my village!) have an early night sleep to be ready to support the French team tomorrow! Allez la France!! However I do like when England are playing because there will be no cars on the road – M4 & M25 empty…. My dream!”
If you aren’t watching the football tonight, what are you doing – let us know in the comments below!!