It’s time to welcome another new teapig to our team in Brentford! Milly joined us a couple of weeks ago on a three-month internship to help us out in the busy summer months. Already she’s been out and about sampling tea in some of the stores that our teas are sold in and, of course, has been getting to grips with the company and what we all do. Let’s find out a bit more…
what were you up to before you joined teapigs, and what made you apply for the role?
Before teapigs, I was finishing my Philosophy degree at Durham University. I was drawn to the company because I was looking to work somewhere that was sustainable and ethical, so this combined with a slight addiction to tea made teapigs the perfect fit! I also really wanted to promote a brand and product that I believed in and to join a fun, happy and like-minded team.
what have your first few weeks at teapigs been like?
It has been full on but a lot of fun! I've learnt so much about how every part of the company works, as well as going to Tea School to learn everything there is to know about our teas and the tea industry generally. I've also been out and about to lots of stores that stock teapigs for sampling (including Planet Organic, Selfridges and Whole Foods Market) and I've loved chatting to our customers - I've even managed to convert a few tea sceptics in the process!
what are you most looking forward to about your role?
I’m really looking forward to bringing new business on board for the company and maybe even starting to manage my own projects and accounts at some point.
what’s your favourite teapigs blend?
Of course I need my daily hit of everyday brew in the morning! But a new one for me that I am obsessed with is liquorice and peppermint.
tell us 3 things about yourself!
I was born in New York and grew up in Australia, I absolutely love playing and watching netball and my favourite thing to do is kick back with a good book and a cup of tea (teapigs, naturally).
Fancy a job at teapigs? Keep an eye on our hiring blog for information on all the latest roles we have available HERE >