We like to think of ourselves as a pretty sporty bunch at teapigs, so teaming up with New You Bootcamp for Matcha May made perfect sense, and when they asked for a guinea pig to try their Richmond day long camp I couldn’t resist!
After healthy breakfast (home made granola), a quick cold shot of matcha and two cups of yerba I was good to go and hot footed it down to Richmond Park. When they say it’s a day long bootcamp they really mean it – kick off was 8.30 and we weren’t done until 3.30!
There were four of us all together and after learning the ground rules from firm but fair army chap Kev (no hands in pockets, no arms crossed!) we were off – starting with a dynamic warm up of running laps and a ball game where I learned once and for all that I cannot catch! More running followed and then it was on to some strength work. We covered all bases with squats, burpees, lunges, press ups and crunches, and before we knew it two hours had passed and it was time for a bit of a walking cool down and a snack.
Things went up another notch before lunch with a few hours of high intensity boxing – we were paired up for jabs, upper cuts and hooks and were pretty grateful for lunch and a half an hour sit down!
Then it was on to the last few hours and the biggest push of the day – hill running combined with intense circuits. It was very very tough (VERY!) but well worth it and we enjoyed a well-deserved cool down and stretch in the sun.
It was an amazing day and now that I’ve just about recovered I can’t wait to go again! New You Bootcamp run fitness days in Richmond and Finsbury Park with prices starting from £45, and weeklong retreats here in the UK and abroad. Watch this space for a very special competition coming soon!