I often think about baking something when I am sitting at home doing nothing in the evening, only to open my cupboards and realise I only have about half of the ingredients I need. So then I try and find/invent (I can never follow a recipe properly without thinking I know better) a recipe that I can make with what I already have. This is how nutella and peanut butter cookie sandwiches came about. They were super quick and easy and the teapigs had eaten them all within about 10 minutes!
Ingredients (makes about 24 cookies, so 12 once sandwiched):
2 medium eggs
1 cup of crunchy peanut butter (use smooth if that’s all you have, it will still work!)
1 cup of caster sugar
1tsp baking powder
½ cup of flour
Nutella (I didn’t measure it, sorry!)
-Beat eggs and sugar together until frothy
-Add peanut butter and whisk until completely combined
-Add baking powder and then fold in the flour bit by bit, you might not need it all, so as soon as the mixture looks like sticky dough, stop adding flour.
-Shape into little balls of about a teaspoons amount and put on a baking tray covered in baking paper. Press down on the balls with a fork to give the top of the biscuits a criss-cross pattern.
-Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes.
-Leave cookies on the side to cool slightly, when they are almost completely cooled, put the nutella on half of the cookies so that it melts slightly and then place the other half on top.
Eat and enjoy!