Each month, we give our wonderful stockists a different theme and ask them to send us photos of how they best show off our teas. We then pick who has tagged @teapigs and used #teapigsstockist with the best picture to find our stockist of the month!
This month's theme was "celebrating the everyday brew" and The Guardhouse Cafe won the day with this beautiful picture of their coconut London fog with an equally beautiful view in the background! Here's a bit more about The Guardhouse Cafe...
You’ve got 50 words to describe your business…go!
The Guardhouse Café is set in a Napoleonic-era fort, in a beautiful cliff-top nature reserve, with amazing views on all sides. We are very lucky!! We try to make the café live up to its location – from home-made, locally-sourced food to a friendly greeting at the door – and part of this of course is delicious teapigs teas.
What made you decide to choose teapigs?
We’ve been selling exclusively teapigs teas for many years. The quality and taste is the thing which matters most to us and our customers. We have never found another supplier which tastes so good! We regularly get comments from customers who say it’s a lovely cuppa.
If you could only have one teapigs tea for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
There is a bit of a debate here within our team and our regular customers, as we all have our favourites. Sandra loves the matcha tea, Jo likes the fennel and liquorice and Diane only drinks earl grey! We stock around 10 flavours and they are all very popular!
What made you want to setup The Guardhouse cafe?
The Guardhouse has actually been a tearoom for over 100 years. It was built in 1802, and we don’t know when it started serving teas, but we have a photograph from 1912 on our café wall with ladies in white aprons looking proud outside the front door. Current owners Alex and Lucy moved down to Devon in 2014 and have run the café for nearly five years now, with the help of a very talented and hard working group of people. We feel we are the guardians of Berry Head and the Guardhouse for the current generation, and lucky to get to work here every day!
If we were to come by to your cafe, what’s your best seller?
We serve a range of breakfasts, lunches, amazing cakes, it’s hard to choose! We put a lot of focus on our seasonal and unusual specials and my answer about my favourite dish usually changes every six weeks or so when the chefs come up with a new selection. Right now we have an amazing Kedgeree for breakfast, made with local Brixham fish which our chefs smoke, and serve with a poached egg and home-made curried rice.