Chances are you’ll have heard on the grape-vine that green tea is pretty darn healthy. But why is that exactly? Well, it’s all down to antioxidants - and green tea (especially matcha) is full to the brim with them.
Antioxidants help protect the body from free radicals which are capable of attacking healthy cells in the body and can lead to diseases and skin aging.
We’ve all heard how great blueberries, gojiberries and the like are for their high antioxidant levels, but did you know that matcha comes top above them and spinach, broccoli and pomegranate? The ORAC table (this stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity for you science fans) scores matcha a whopping 1573. Poor old gojiberries come next at 253. And little old spinach is bringing up the rear at a very teeny 12.6.
Why not give matcha a try and see if you notice a positive difference in your well being? These matcha fans certainly have:
“I am convinced that it has helped me with my constantly troubled stomach. I don’t feel bloated anymore.”
“I have been drinking the amazing matcha for a week now and wanted to say how fantastic this is, I work in a Surgery as a Health Visitor and have spread the word to many of my colleagues and they have all placed orders for the 'magic stuff' this week! Everyone is very excited about the many health benefits this product can bring, I am so glad to have discovered it! I will continue to spread the word and recruit more matcha fans!
Thank you again for this amazing product.”
“It has helped in my campaign to feel fitter and healthier”
“I eat very healthy in general. I have found this adds to my general sense of well being for sure, and if it helps with my metabolism then that's just a great bonus!”