A few months ago, eagle eyed teapigs head packer Reggie was busy working away in the teapigs warehouse when he spotted an order for matcha from a very familiar name...it was none other than Olympic ace Rebecca Adlington! Turns out she is a huge matcha fan, we were very excited :)
As well as being a fan of our super power green tea cuppa, she’s also a very lovely person and agreed to a little interview for the teapigs blog!
We all got our thinking caps on and sent over our questions and here’s what Rebecca had to say!
How does it feel to be rated in the top 25 most inspirational people in the UK?
Absolutely incredible. Very unexpected but such a huge honour. Since Beijing I have always tired to use any profile I have to inspire and encourage everyone to swim more or learn to swim. For people to recognize this is just amazing.
Do you ever think back to before you dived in to win your first gold and wonder what life would have been like if you’d slipped off the starting gate?
I haven’t actually! Never been asked that so hard to think about now. Even if I hadn’t won gold in Beijing I would of still continued to swim and try and spread my passion and love for the sport on. It just would have been very different. I wouldn’t have people asking for a photo! Haha!
How is your shoe collection now?
I genuinely don’t have that many shoes!!! I have a nice collection and I manage to wear them all throughout the year too! ;-)
How far do you swim each week now that you have “retired”?
I try to swim about twice a week. I do around 2,500 metres. Nothing compared to what I used to do but love getting back in and turning my phone off for 30mins!!!
Are you enjoying it more or less knowing that you only have train for the love of swimming?
Tough question!!! I still have the same love for swimming. That will never change. However, its nice not swimming at 6am now!
What was your favourite moment in swimming (apart from the Olympics)?
My team mates!!! I loved being part of something and sharing it all with some incredible people. My best friends are all from swimming. They become your family, Like brothers and sisters. We have travelled the world. We’ve got to go to some amazing places- Australia, America, India, Europe, Seychelles!! The journey has just been amazing.
At your peak how many kilometres were you swimming on average per week?
My normal week would consist of 10 swim sessions. 3 gym sessions. Up at 5.15am. Train in the morning then again in the evening. Gym in between the swim sessions on mon/weds/fri. I would swim around 70-75k a week.
Tell us about your Swim Stars programme?
I have always had a passion for the Learn to Swim side of swimming. It takes me back to when I learnt and where my love of the water all started. I have always promoted Learn to Swim so have London Olympics I seemed very natural to set up my own Learn to Swim program called Becky Adlington Swim Stars. My vision is to see every child leaving primary school being able to swim 25m unaided. At the minute 50% of children leave primary school unable to which shocks me!
I’m a celebrity get me out of here – would you do it all over again or something similar?
I would definitely do it again!!! I loved it. I’m a Celeb is so unique and something so different to normal life. It is difficult in there but I meet 11 brilliant people who made the experience so special. I also loved my hammock. I had the best sleep!
You love our matcha, can you tell us how it makes your feel.... Does it put a skip in your step or are you literally bursting with energy after a shot of matcha?
I have been taking matcha for months now. I have my mum and friends on it now!! Its different for everyone. For me it helps me start my day. Instead of a coffee I have a matcha shot with an apple and some ginger I’ve juiced. Wakes me up, helps my digestion, my skin and I hardly ever get ill too which is obviously good!
If you were on a desert Island and you could take one tea which (teapigs tea obviously!) would it be?
TOUGH!!! I would definitely take matcha then either the Silver Needle tea or Jasmine pearls! They are my favourites.
If you were to blend a new teapigs tea, what would it be?
I like tea that you don’t add milk too. I would like a blend between White and Green tea. With maybe some lemon or orange in to make it a bit fruity too!
Thanks so much Rebecca! To learn more about Rebecca’s learn to swim programme, check out the Becky Adlington Swin Stars website.