The fourth leg of the Real Tea Tour was The Taunton Show held at Taunton School - the Somerset Hogwarts!
This was the 3rd year of the event has has had a great turnout in previous years, this year was no exception.
The event is organised on behalf of the Go Commando charity who put on a great display during the day getting all the children (and some of the adults) involved in the obstacle course and several rounds of tug-of-war.
There were also a variety of vintage vehicles, local food exhibitors, Birds of Prey and crafts dotted around the site. There were a large number of children’s activities ranging from bouncy castles to coconut shys.
Cedric (our tea van) instantly felt at home amongst the variety of classic and vintage vehicles. Fortunately for us there were some tea-loving car owners who gave us plenty of advice on how to keep Cedric the Vintage Tea Van alive for the foreseeable future.
We had great feedback on our experimental Matcha Flapplejacks which we will certainly be making again. They proved popular with the customers who were trying to justify a treat, needless to say the chocolate brownies went down a storm with the customers who didn’t!
The number of experimental customers again was high with many opting for the weird and wonderful teas, add sugar to the Popcorn tea and “it tastes like sugar puffs!”
Next up is Wings and Wheels on the 14th of July…